Change Battery
The service technician can start a battery change by clicking on the Change Battery button on the Services App. The change battery screen will appear with the fields required for input.
During the change, you can choose to utilize your device's camera to scan assets that have been previously labeled with QR codes by clicking on the scan button. You will be prompted by your device that the page is trying to access your camera. Please provide your permission to use this feature. If the label has been damage to the point where it can not be read, you can click on the Label Damaged toggle below the field to mark it as damaged. This label will be queued to print and a new icon will appear on the dashboard of the application that will allow you to print all damaged labels at once.
The application will attempt to perform validation on your inputs and alert you of any errors or potential errors. Once all fields are entered, you will see a submit button appear allowing you to complete the change.
When changing a battery you also have the opportunity to record a battery watering service on the battery that is being installed in the truck by clicking on the Battery Watered toggle.
The change battery feature can be used with the truck queue system to help the battery change employee make changes in the order that the trucks arrived.
By default, the change screen will allow you to log the charging positions for your batteries so that you can continuously maintain the physical location of each battery. If you do not want to utilize this feature, you can toggle that off in the preferences section of the settings.
The change screen also allows you to record the voltage of the battery that is being removed from your lift truck. This can also be disabled in the preferences section of the settings.
During the change, if you have organized your batteries into groups, the change screen will provide a recommended replacement battery from your assets. The battery recommended will be a battery within the group that has been in a charging state for the longest.
If you are using positions, the position will also be listed so that the battery can be located easier.